Saturday 27 September 2014

Revitas certification program shows Contract Lifecycle Management and Training Program Online

Revitas certification program shows Contract Lifecycle Management and Training Program Online

Revit, Inc., the leading provider of integrated solutions for the contracting, sales and compliance management, today announced a new management life cycle contract started online (CLM) certification programs and university education Revitas. More and more companies are investing in software to automate and execute the contract management process, training and certification are becoming increasingly important for companies to maximize the return on their investment. To meet this demand, Revitas offers guests an exercise program unprecedented online, which covers the entire life cycle of the contract while focusing on the core competencies single role of a professional contract management within an organization. This leads to accelerated learning and user acceptance agreement Revitas® Manager ™ software and cloud solution RevitasNOW Manager ™ contract.

The new training and certification is offered by the University Revitas and consists of a series of learning modules own pace based on the roles that are available in a practical environment of virtual education. The flexibility, on-demand training allows practitioners to the characteristics of the contracts Revitas Contract Manager to learn 30-40 minutes to digest online course, with full access to a robust variety of content, training and reference materials in all times. Certification confirms a thorough CLM technology in their office or work used understanding, productivity and operating efficiency improved.

"The challenge for the community of contract management is today keep up with the learning and development in a changing and fast market," said Tim Cummins, President and CEO of the International Association for Contract and Commercial Management (IACCM). "New skills and knowledge for the organization to successfully adapt to changes and to ensure that performance agreements continue long-term contracts, which evolve to meet the business acumen and continued success. Program management contracts Revitas online university is an excellent addition to the basic training and certification in corporate governance and the contract by IACCM, the covers offered the entire life cycle of contract management. "

Modular format enables authors Revitas contracts, court administrators, members of management and employees of contract management to focus on the most important elements of the CLM their individual functions. Adjustment also allows companies, their own brand, content of training and documentation.

"Revitas offers only flexible, adaptable to the industry and training for contract management approach, sales and compliance," said Anneliese Strout, Director of Educational Services Revitas. "Customers can access a wealth of online training focuses on employment and options, when and where education is necessary. This allows employees to learn new skills to do their work quickly and effectively to help drive innovation in the business -and- competitive advantages in the industry. "

Customers can buy the Revitas University through an annual subscription, provides access to the full range of educational tools, modules and updates, or to a base class.

Enrollment in the CLM program is subject contracting RevitasNOW Manager for guests of Revitas contract management software and cloud solution. For those interested, please Revitas provides contract management.

About Revitas

Revitas accelerates revenue by delivering comprehensive and integrated solutions for the contracting, sales and compliance management. Revit allows companies to create LED channels, and to implement and effectively and efficiently manage complex contracts both locally and in the cloud incentives. Powered by the Flex-platform, standards-based, secure, scalable and interoperable solutions for Revitas® with core enterprise systems, including CRM, ERP and CPQ to extend the functionality and maximize the value of ecosystem of business applications. For over 25 years, to increase the authorized Revitas companies in the world, the most difficult and highly regulated industries to total sales, maximize profitability and ensure regulatory and financial compliance. Learn more about the visit Revitas or

Copyright Business Wire 2014 law

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